Sunday, January 5, 2014

DIY Brown Sugar Scrub

I found a fun recipe for a brown sugar scrub. Just three ingredients that I had on hand.
So I thought I'd give it a try.

Here are the ingredients:

1 cup of brown sugar

1/3rd cup of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons honey

I mixed the ingredients together and put them in a decorative jar.

After setting a while the ingredients do separate. But, the ingredients are easily mixed together after setting.

When my handsome husband arrived home, I showed him my scrub and we both felt that it had an odd smell. So, I got out my sweet orange essential oil and added it to the ingredients. I added a few drops. No change. So I added more. In all total, I added about a teaspoon full of sweet orange oil.

I also read some reviews that this does not have a long shelf life. If giving this as a gift just let the recipients know this information. Also, reviews said to use a spatula or spoon to get the scrub from the container to avoid contamination from wet hands.

I have never used a brown sugar scrub. I am excited about giving this a try.

Let me know if you have used a scrub such as this.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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