Monday, August 11, 2014

Everyday Life Party

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a great week. Today, I am sharing a picture we took while out exploring our little corner of the world. We took this picture of a historic post office in a town square. My handsome husband and I had a fantastic day, driving the country side and exploring for "the perfect shot."
Now, please share with us, what you have been up to. Join us, here, at Everyday Life Photography Link Party. Link up any exciting pictures you took last week and share them with us. If you created a fantastic new recipe share them here, also. Any link parties you want to share, link them up here. I can not wait to see what everyone has to share!

 "A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away." Eudora Welty

So onto the party.

historic post office

Have a blessed day!

Smile for no Reason

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