Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 8 walking

November 3, 2013

Today I walked. It as 27 degrees. I used the Easeinto5k app. It was a great walking day. I upped my running time. Later in the day, I was searching the internet. I found you tube videos that assist you with 5k training. Some of the people showed their charts that they had downloaded from websites that charts your day to day progress. So now I totally understand my app and why it only tells you to workout 3 days a week. Because the other days are rest days. Well duh. I am such a dork. This is how the charts looked that I had observed on you tube.
Rest- week 1 day 1- Rest- week 1 day 2- Rest- week1 day 3- Rest
And so forth
Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day. Instead I will just walk and run as much as my body will let me.
Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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