Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Empties

November Empties
I do not have a lot of empties to show you. But, here are a few:

These cotton rounds were from The Dollar Tree. They were ok for cheap cotton rounds. They did shed and cotton fibers got caught on my eyelashes when I was taking off my mascara. I buy the cotton rounds from any store when I remember to pick them up. I have no preferance.

This is a BareMinerals blush that came in a kit approximately 4 years ago. I do not know if this color is available. I do enjoy BareMineral blushes, but I prefer to buy more natural and cruelty free blushes since this blush was purchased.

After I get out of the shower, I use this to take off any remaining mascara. I use a q-tip and wipe it under my eyes. This does not dry quickly. Sometimes, I would have to wipe it off with a tissue before I put on my moisturizer. I will not repurchase because this item is not cruelty free.
 I did purchase this Sonia Kashuk eye makeup remover. I do prefer this to the L'oreal. The eyemakup remover absorbs quickly, so I do not have to use a Kleenex. However, I am looking for a more natural eye makeup remover. This item contains alot of alcohol and unnatural ingredients.

I use this to take my makeup off at night before I retire to bed. This smells nice and worked well. I will repurchase. I bought this from Vitacost. A great way to purchase natural and cruelty free items when you live in the middle of nowhere. Plus their products are reasonably priced.

If you have purchased anything from Vitacost, let me know. I am always on the lookout for new products.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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