Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2 More Kitchen Drawers Organized!

With this weather being the way that it is, it leaves much time to work on organizing my house. Would I rather be outside, well yes, but enjoying being warm and tucked away in my home is nice also. Especially with a warm mug of hot tea. 

So, here we go!

I measured the drawers that I was going to work on next and bought some new containers to fit. 
When I had organized my dish towel drawer, I moved some kitchen utensils to that drawer freeing up space in my silverware drawer. 

First, I completely emptied the drawer and washed it out. Then, I put a non-slip contact mat on the bottom of the drawer and started putting the silverware drawer back in order.

After picture

Before picture

This did not take me long to organize. The most difficult part was waiting for the weather to warm a little to venture out to the store. 
The containers I purchased came in a bundle of 3. So I had containers to start organizing another drawer. So that is what I did.

Onto the junk drawer. Any question as to why this is called our junk drawer?
What in the world is in here?

First, I had to totally empty the drawer and wash it out. I used the last remaining non-slip contact mat in this drawer. I put the pens into one of the containers. I put the batteries in a container and moved those to a shelf in the basement. I put some things in the garage for my handsome husband to put with his tools.
Basically this drawer was a catch-all and I just needed to put things back where they belonged.

And the end result!

I am very happy with my kitchen cabinets and drawer organization. I am most happy that you are all doing this with me. It has been fun sharing my experiences with you all. I have one last cabinet to do in the kitchen. My pots and pans cabinet. My handsome husband has some of the kitchen deconstructed. We are putting open shelves in the kitchen. We are waiting on warmer weather before starting this project.  So I will work on the rest of my cabinets when that project is finished.

After I am finished with my pot and pan drawer, I will be tackling my bathroom drawers. I just might get my whole house organized before we thaw from this deep freeze.

Oh well, as long as we have hot tea, all is good!

 Everyone, thank you so much for reading
Have a blessed day!

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