Thursday, January 23, 2014

Photo Challenge...Organizing

Now last week, when I read that the word  "organize" was the word to photograph this week I actually went "woohoo." But then reality set in and I wondered if maybe "organize" before you found Google + and all of the wonderful advice on this topic was more appropriate for me. I am the poster child on how "not" to organize and allow your closets to get out of control. But you know what, that is in the past. With my new information, everyone else's ideas, I am more aware on how to maintain and organize everything in your life.

For example, I have been working on organizing my closets, under the kitchen sink, and kitchen drawers.
Here are a few pictures:

I have also been learning how to organize my live with a daily planner. Before daily planners would give me stress and a headache, but now I can't live without mine. I love decorating it and making it "my own" to fit my personal needs.

With my new found information, I hope to never go back to these places again!

Oh my!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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