Friday, March 21, 2014

A Healthy Smoothie That Isn't Green!

Now, I love my smoothies. But when I read this recipe, I knew I wanted to try it!

I found this at:

Her recipe had 5 ingredients:

  • 1 banana, peeled
  • ¾ c. milk (your choice: cows milk, soy or almond)
  • ¾ c. plain Greek yogurt (I like Fage)
  • 2 tbsp. crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp. honey (optional)
  1. In a blender, add all the ingredients. Blend to a smooth, creamy texture. (Add a handful of ice if you would like an extra cold, frosty smoothie.) Pour and enjoy!
I always have these ingredients on hand. It looks so easy and delicious.

I added all of the ingredients into the blender. I added an extra banana. But, I felt so guilty about not adding a protein powder that I added a heaping teaspoonful of oats to ease my guilty qualms of not drinking a green smoothie! Yes, I know the Sunflower butter is your protein, but I have been so conditioned that if it is not green, it is an indulgence.

I used: 
2 bananas
(I did not measure, just eyeballed it) 
Almond milk- half a cup
2 heaping spoons of Greek Yogurt
I squeezed in some Honey 
2 heaping teaspoons of Sunflower Butter
1 heaping teaspoon of gluten-free oats

This smoothie recipe is amazing! The smoothie was sweet and filling. And because I have these ingredients on hand, I can remake this anytime. This would be great as an afternoon snack.

Please check out this recipe at Delightful E Made. It is wonderful!

Leave your comments below if you try out this awesome smoothie recipe!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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