Saturday, March 1, 2014

Have Your New Year's Resolutions Come And Gone?

We are into the third month of the new year already. I was wondering how everyone was fairing with their new years's resolutions. Have you stuck to them or have they flown out the windows?

I had 3 resolutions, no "goals", that I gave myself at the beginning of the year. Honestly, I haven't done too bad so far.

My main "goal" was to get my house organized. Well, I hit a roadblock when I developed tendinitis in my right shoulder. My next cabinet to organize is my pots and pans cabinet. We have some cast iron skillets and some of the pans are heavy, so I have been putting this cabinet off. But with therapy, I am feeling better and able to tackle this project soon. Plus, the drawers that I have previously organized have remained organized!

Another "goal" was to start decluttering the attic. I have been working on it slowly. Some days have just been too cold to venture up the attic stairs. However, I do have boxes and bags in the back of my car waiting to be taken to the Goodwill.

I also resolved to buy more made in the U.S.A. products. I am excited to report that I have been finding quit a few items. I visit a local craft mall with items made by local crafters and I choose not to buy items just because they are cheap. I do my research and find items made in the USA. I am pleased with my progress so far.

I added another "goal" and that was to stop cursing. Well, I am still working on that one! Some days can just get the better of you, **** it!

How are you doing with your new year resolutions? Are you following through with them, or have you given up?

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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