Sunday, March 23, 2014

This Made Me Happy This Week

This Made Me Happy This Week

I enjoy riding my bicycle. (Fancy word for bike) So, this past week , when the weather reached almost 60 degrees, I jumped on my bike. The wind blowing threw your hair. The good feeling of aching muscles. Ah, yes. It was just a tease, back to 27 degrees right now. I know that I could ride today, the sun is shining brightly. But, I am more of a fair weather bike rider. 

This cold, long winter can not last forever,can it?

So, I wait patiently, along with everyone else, for warmer weather till I jump on my bike and go!

Tell me what made you happy last week. I want to read what you have to say.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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