Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sewing My Own Owl Stuffy

I pulled out my sewing machine after this long winter and created an owl stuffy.

I was looking through Jo~Ann Fabrics mail flyer and spotted this pattern on one of the pages. They were having a sale on Simplicity patterns. All Simplicity patterns were $1.99. I picked up this pattern and another pattern I will show you later. I kick myself in the rear that I did not pick up more for that price!

I cut out the body of the owl. I was surprised at the size of the owl stuffy. 

I used embroidery floss and felt to hand sew on the face of the owl.

This is how my owl looked just after the face was applied. And just before I started piecing him together.

The most difficult aspect of the pattern was stuffing the arms and legs into the body of the owl as you sewed around the edge of the owl body.

Here is my finished owl. I am quite happy with the results. It has been awhile since I actually created something using a pattern. I have created blankets and scarves. I wanted to create something with more of a challenge. I love how he turned out!

This poor little fellow does not have a name yet. Help me name this sleepy little stuffy! Leave your ideas in the comments below.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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