Monday, August 18, 2014

Everyday Life Party Link Up

Good morning, everyone. Today will be the last Everyday Life Link Party that I will be posting. Let me explain. Recently, someone shared on Facebook that on, they offer a free website analysis. Their feedback is sent to you via email in video form. I sent in my blog website to be analyzed. The feedback video I received was of a young lady, who, as she scrolled around my blog actually said, and I quote, "What am I looking at here?" Well, since that time, I have been brain storming some ideas and I have decided to change the direction that I want my blog to go. My handsome husband has, also, given me a couple of ideas to change and add to my blog. In the coming months, I will be implementing them on my blog.

I appreciate everyone who has linked up at the Everyday Life Link Up. I have had so much fun meeting everyone and talking to you. I enjoy the pictures you share here every week . I can not express how much I appreciate everyone of you. 

Now, on to the Everyday Life Link Party.

grandmother's divinity recipe

My grandmother's Divinity recipe, written by her.
Thank you everyone!

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