Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Tuesday Inquiry

Last week, my friend +Mark Esser, asked the question, What is your favorite sound? The number one answer was...wind through the trees. Mark is asking us another question this week. Thank you Mark for your input with questions. The response to your question was remarkable. I am excited to see how people answer this week's question. 

Mark's question this week...

What is your favorite smell?


Now the results from last week's, The Tuesday Inquiry...

What is your favorite sound?

The number 1 answer...Wind through the trees
Children laughing
Children singing
Jet noise from an F-18 flying overhead
Family laughing together
Beautiful music
Child's eager sharing of their excitement
Contagious laugh
Pop of opening a bottle of champagne
Babbling brook
Early morning walk in the garden w/bird songs and time w/the Lord
Crackle of a wood fire

Everyone, thank you for dropping by my channel each week and answering random questions!

Have a blessed day!

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