Friday, November 14, 2014

Make Wrapping Bows From Recycled Papers Or Wrapping Paper

When I discovered this technique to make your own bows, I was flustered because I could not figure out how to twist the individual paper strips. But once I figured out how to twist and hold the paper strips, I was on a roll. In the instructions below, I will share with you how I made pretty bows using a recycled ad. A piece of everyday card stock. Also, create a bow that matches the paper you have chosen to wrap the present.

hand made bows

I took some pictures before I started the project. I will explain what worked for me.

For the bows you will need:
A tape measure
A paper cutter (if you do not have a paper cutter, you can definitely do this project with scissors.)
Your desired type of paper- I used a recycled ad, card stock and wrapping paper
Double sticky tape or glue dots

(recycled ad)

Cut your strips of paper in the following lengths-
All the strips need to be cut at 3.4 inch width
3 strips need to be 9.5 inches long 
3 strips need to be 8.5 inches long
1 strip of paper needs cut to 6.5 inches long 
1 strip needs to be 2.5 inches long

You can  increase the length of the strips of paper to make a larger bow. But the bow becomes difficult to create when the strips are shortened. To make smaller bows, check out my post on 
How to make a bow using  a fork.

(card stock)

As I stated this will be the most difficult step in creating your bows. I am using the card stock to demonstrate how to hold and twist the strip of paper. 

With the printed side of the card stock facing away from you, bring the top of the strip of paper towards you and twist the paper so that the printed side is touching the blank side.

This is the step that I was stuck on but, once I figured out how to hold the paper it was a snap.

Now, turn the strip so that the tail that is facing towards to bottom of the picture, (or down), will now be facing up. Basically, use two hands for this step and transfer the bow to the top facing position. 

Now you will have another loop to create from the "tail."
This was the aspect of the project that stumped me. I was trying to twist the bow and not move it. I was trying to twist it in one hand. But, once I figured out how to move the bow so that you had 'tails" to work with, the project came together very easily.
As in the first step, bring the tip of the paper down and twist to form the loop. 
Both tips of the paper should be touching one another.

Now move the tips to the back of the bow. (From now on you will bring the strips of paper to meet behind the bow. I just wanted you to have a visual on how the strips should meet.)

Attach the ends to the back of the strips using either double sided tape or glue dots. I remembered the glue dots once I started the project. I liked using the glue dots over the double sided tape. I could work with the glue dots, the tape seemed to stick to everything. But if you have the tape, just use that.

This is how your finished strips of paper should look.

I am missing one twisted strip in this picture. I took the picture and then went back to my computer and there was the lost strip.

Lay the strips of paper on top of one another forming the look of a star.
First, group the 9.5 strips together and staple. In another group, lay together the 8.5 inch strips and staple.

Now arrange the 8.5 inch strips in the 9.5 inch strips, add in the 6.5 inch strip and staple everything together. 
Bend and move the strips to your liking. 

The finished bow. 
As I stated, I had taken the pictures before I started to work on the bows. I had cut a strip at 2.5 inches. The loop made from this strip was too small to fit my stapler. So, I did not use that strip. I bent the loops toward the middle of the bow, this hid the staple. 
Now, you may want to hide the staple altogether. Either staple that strip in the middle of the bow or use the double sided tape and attach to the middle of the bow. 

The finished bow from the recycled ad. This was by far my favorite bow to create. The paper was easy to bend and move. Because the paper was printed on both sides, I did not have to worry about twisting the bow to make sure the printed side was showing.

The recycled paper was also thinner, so I only needed one staple to hold all of the strips together.

The three completed bows. 

"It takes half your life before you discover your life is a do-it-yourself project." Napoleon Hill

Now to you:

Please let us know if you try this do-it-yourself, make your own home made bows. Or, if you have any bows that you make, please share your ideas.

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