Friday, December 19, 2014

$5.00 Goodwill Challenge: Christmas Edition

Who doesn't like a challenge? And a challenge that will only cost you $5.00. The rules for this challenge are to visit a thrift store, or garage sale, and only spend $5.00. Then, share with everyone how you incorporated your find in your Christmas diys or decorations. 

I decided to first try my local Goodwill store. With a little searching, I discovered a few items that I can use in my Christmas home decor.

thrift store challenge

First, I found the snowman soap dish for .99. I decided to use this by my kitchen sink as a scrubber holder. I washed and dried the snowman, put a new scrubber in the dish and he looks very festive. 

Well now, the Santa mug is pretty self explanatory. I filled him with hot chocolate and whipped cream. I purchased the mug for $1.99.

I discovered the pretty glass ornaments in a basket filled with other items. I washed and dried the ornaments and hung them on our Christmas tree. I purchased the ornaments for .99.

"If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich." Lao Tzu

The snowmen were attached together and sold as one. The price on the tag stated they were .99. But the color of the tag for the day was yellow. The ornaments were then reduced to .49. One of the snowmen was in perfect condition. However, the other snowman needed a little repair. I pulled off some hot glue that was stuck on the present. I tied some jute twine around the neck of the snowman where a wooden scarf had broken off. He now looks very well dressed hanging on the tree.

I came in under budget for this challenge. Including tax, I spent a total of $4.85. 

This challenge required you to think "outside the box" so to speak. For example, I never would have even picked up the soap dish snowman because, we use liquid soap. But, the snowman was the right price, so I bought it. I, also, would not purchase broken ornaments, but because these fit within the budget, I bought them. I was going to throw the broken ornament away, but I decided that was not part of the challenge. So, because I repaired and fixed the ornament, it now hangs very nicely on our tree. 

This was fun to participate in the challenge and to anyone who reads this post, I challenge you to this $5.00 Goodwill Challenge: Christmas Edition.

Now to you-

If you decide to take on this challenge, please share your web address in the comment section below, so that we can see your fantastic finds.

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