Monday, February 23, 2015

Gluten Free Dipped Cookies

Take an ordinary gluten free, sandwich cookie, dip in candy melts, and add some green sugar, you have a very quick St. Patrick's Day delight. I will take you through three easy steps to recreate these treats.

gluten free dipped cookies

Ingredients you need:

Gluten free sandwich cookies
Green candy melts
Green decorative sugar

gluten free cookies


Remove cookies from the box and have ready to dip.

In a double broiler, when the top bowl is hot, add your candy melts. Stir constantly till candy is melted.

Dip half the cookie in the melted candy.

Sprinkle the candy sugar on to the dipped cookie.

Allow to cool and harden. Place in an air tight container. 

There you have it, a quick and easy treat ready for St. Patrick's Day.

Now to you-

What are your favorite St. Patrick's Day food?

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