Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Make It Yourself Coconut Oil and Coffee Body Scrub

DIY Coconut oil sugar coffee grounds body scrub
Coffee grounds and coconut oil body scrub

I prefer to make my own body scrubs. This way I know exactly what ingredients are in each of the make it yourself body scrubs. The recipe for this body scrub uses coconut oil, sugar, and coffee grounds. Just 3 ingredients to healthy, soft skin.

Benefits of drinking coffee

Coffee not only great for starting your mornings, coffee has benefits for beauty as well. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants which alleviate the look of premature aging. In addition, studies have shown the intake of coffee and decreased risk of skin cancer. 

Benefits of coffee in skin care

  • Tightens pores and reduces skin cells
  • Contains powerful antioxidants which helps reduce the risk of skin cancer
  • Displays anti-wrinkle properties
  • Reduces under eye puffiness
  • Temporarily minimizes the visibility of cellulite
  • Calms inflamed and red skin
  • Improves blood flow when applied as a mask

Coconut Oil and Coffee Body Scrub Recipe

1/2 cup of finely ground coffee grounds
1/4 cup of granulated sugar 
1/2 cup coconut oil

Mix ingredients together in a bowl and then transfer to your desired container.

For additional information on the benefits of coconut oil, please check this related post.

Now to you- 

Have you tried coffee in your skin care? 

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  1. I am pinning this!! I am all about natural care, I have tried a plain sugar scrub, but never one with coffee or coconut. Sounds yummy!! :)

    1. Thank you for the pin Kim. It is greatly appreciated. I enjoy natural care also.
      Have a great night

  2. Great recipe! It may have an unitended sie effect of making me hungry though, loL!

  3. Great recipe! It may have an unitended sie effect of making me hungry though, loL!

    1. Too funny Aimee! It should have a warning label!
      Thank you for stopping by!


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