Monday, May 4, 2015

Blogger Tip: How to Remove Post Footer From Your Home Page

Ever since the night I lost my blog, I have been afraid to rearrange and move the layout of my blog. I was not interested in working with the HTML code again or moving widgets around. Once you have lost your blog to the great unknown in your computer, you become a tad nervous to try and change the layout of your blog again. 

Remove post footer from your home page

However, this weekend, I was feeling more competent about moving gadgets and adding CSS code. I decided to give it another try. So I Googled, how to remove the post footer from your Blogger blog home page. If I came across a website that offered an easy and simple solution, I would buckle down and change the layout design of my blog that I was wanting to update.

I did discover the Blogenia website that offers tips on how to redesign the look of your blog. This blog provides you with simple codes, easy instructions and tutorials of how to apply these codes to your blog. You can find the two step instructions on how to remove the post footer from your home page on Blogger here

An interesting note, when my son looked at my blog to observe the new changes I had made, he read the header I had created and said, "Smile for Reason." I had mistakenly placed this in my header as my blog title. Yes, that is right, my husband and I did not notice that my blog title was wrong. And that my friends is why I will never win web designer of the year. 

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." – Elbert Hubbard

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  1. Wow I just know a few basics when it comes to blogging and when I'm in a bind I ask for help from my daughter. Well good luck with all of this. Have a great day.
    Julie xo

    1. Thank you Julie, with all of my "tinkering" in Blogger I do, I need all of the luck I can get! Lol ;)

  2. While I am "laid-up" with Siatica, I am leaving this comment..... Tessa was here. :-)

  3. Hey Kathy, good for you for giving it another go! I'm having some blog issues at the moment. My super sweet husband is helping me with a watermark for my photos, and now for some strange reason my images don't show up in the post the way I crop them. Weird.

    1. That is weird. Blog work can be so frustrating. But it sure is fun! I am excited to see your new watermarks.
      Have a great day!

  4. Thanks Kathy! I have been looking for something just like this! :)

    1. You are welcome. It is a nice little website with blogspot blogger help.

  5. This worked beautifully, Kathy- I removed the footers and added dividers! Thank you so much! :)

    1. You are very welcome, Joy. :) I visited your blog and it looks wonderful!!

  6. Thanks so much for this info. I appreciate it.


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